Thursday, February 27, 2020

Health Ass. discussion questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health Ass. discussion questions - Assignment Example In nursing assessment, information is gathered and then interpreted. The two processes are different as one moves into the advanced practice role, as nursing assessment is employed to identify the health problems faced by the patient and are based on research, findings and literature (Spain, DeCristofaro, & Smith, 2004). The nurse is able to recognize the present health status and how it relates to the patient’s previous health status. The approach and the structure used in assessment is determined by the priorities of the specific service for which it is created and on the type of population the nurse is dealing with for example, elderly, children and adults (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008). However, clinical reasoning is a part of the assessment that is needed to understand and interpret gathered information. According to Spain et al. (2004), the clinical decision-making worksheet is developed to support data organization, interpretation and collection in accordance to standardize d communication format. 2. Consider a clinical situation (patient case) in your own practice (current or past). In what ways do you see your role changing as you become an advanced practice registered nurse, and how might this affect your assessment of that patient? Currently, as a registered nurse I receive patients in my care and consider the health status presently and how it is associated with the patient’s health history. I see my role changing as I become an advanced practice registered nurse as I will have gained full competencies needed in the profession. Moreover, I will be able to prescribe medication, diagnose and treat acute and chronic illness, all in the focus of health promotion and prevention. The competencies will help me in applying the knowledge of the scientific basis for quality care in practice (Thomas, 2011). I will be able to apply expertise in data literacy, technology

Monday, February 10, 2020

Constitution Law and business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Constitution Law and business - Research Paper Example However, constitutional laws bear significant impacts on how businesses are conducted, the nature of businesses as well as their scope. For instance, the U.S, Constitution governs businesses through the Commerce Clause while most of Germany’s commercial law is affected by the European Union’s legislation. In the end, constitutional laws on businesses will ultimately impact on the economic performance of the respective countries. The U.S constitution was ratified in 1788. Despite this passage of time, it has continued to evolve in tandem with the needs of the changing culture and economic environment. The U.S constitution generally regulates business through the Commerce Clause enshrined in Article 1, Section 8 and Clause 3 (Bahners, 2014). The German Republic’s constitution is sometimes referred to as the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. It has been in existence for about 60 years. In this duration it has been amended 55 times. For instance, in 2009, Germany’s constitution was amended to effect the debt break (or Schuldenbremse). Bahners (2014) states that this law applies to both the federal government as well as the Lander (individual states). Germany is a federal government like the United States. However, the jurisdiction of the German constitution in relation to business is affected by among other sources, the European Union’s regulations on trade and preferential trade area agreements (Bahners, 2014). Though similarly a federal government, the U.S Congress is accorded with the final authority to regulate business and commercial activities between itself and foreign nations. Therefore, both federal and state governments play roles in regulating commercial activities on the domestic and international stages (Allmendinger, 2013). The U.S state and federal governments share equal authority to